Tuesday, November 10, 2020

 I am so excited! In the midst of this dramatic year of Covid 19 I have used the Shelter in home to create 10 new Christmas songs. The first Christmas songs ever for me!

Now I have a brand new CD available--"Christmas Eve at Granny's house",  Songs of Family, love, snow, Christmas parties, skating in circles, cookies, hot cider..............

I believe you will love the songs, available on various sites. Join me at Bandcamp:  https://bettyoverstreet.bandcamp.com/album/christmas-eve-at-grannys-house  Where downloads are only about $7.00.  If you follow me on Bandcamp you will receive a message when I upload a new song.  

You can find my music at wwwN1M.com/bettyoverstreet or any favorite music site that you use: Spotify, Amazon, just do a search on your favorite site.  

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Lets help Young Moms in need

Hello, I am so happy to see you again here on my Blog Page.

As I sit here another day, wondering when this present state of affairs (THE VIRUS) will finally end, I realized that through my music I could help out my favorite Organization, Alph Pregnance Clinic here in Vacaville Calif.

Alpha helps women who are going through unplanned pregnancy, with counciling, guidance and information. It is Christian based, therefore they try to guide women away from abortion. Then they continue to help after the babie arrives with clothing, diapers--all the necessary things needed to raise a baby.

https://indiegospel.net/betty-overstreet/product or <script src='https://embed.songtradr.com/v1/es' data-key='hikbojdRcnPalOTEtexHkJqUmnTgQYVi' data-size='md'></script>

If you enjoy my music and books and like to help out wonderful organizations---then I have an opportunity  for you.  I now have a store on my website with my CDS, Books and Tshirts. During the month of May and June , 2020 --- Alpha Pregnance clinic in Vacaville, Ca. will receive $5.00 for each item sold .  This offer is also available if you purchase at www.numberonemusic.com/bettyoverstreet. I will be praying that you will choose to help me with this "Fund Raiser", but if not, just keep on listening to my music and let me know what you think of the songs God has given me to write for Him.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

"God did a real good job"

Ahhhh, it is time to share another "Littel Ditty" (that is an okie or arkie word  for story or short tale) about how one of my songs came to be recorded.  Usually, the story is about how the song was written but this is a bit different.

As I put the finishing words on my song sheet for "God did a real good job" I called to my husband, producer, techie guy, etc " Honey, whenever you are ready we can record this song.  Of course, he ran right into the recording studio and began opening up the equipment.

If you have heard this song you know it has a Bluzie (is that a real word?) sound, the first one I have written with that beat.

So, here I stand,  in my jeans and tshirt,, microphone in hand  awaiting the first notes of the song.  I try to sing and just can't feel it. Now mind you, I am the songwriter, singer, and I can't get into the mood of my own song.

I try a few times, hear the phone ring and we pause the music.  It's my sister Deborah who lived in either New jersey or Pennsylvania at the time.  Deb has been my helper throughout my music career, always handy to give me an idea when I have none or take off to Nashville for a recording session, etc.

I say, "Deb, I am trying to record this new song and I just can't get it right." She replies , What seems to be the problem?". " Well , Deb, I don't know."  I then explain that it is a new gospel song, with a blues sound.

"Betty , she says, "What are you wearing?". I respond that I am wearing jeans and a tshirt, you know we are just working here at home.

She reminds me that I am used to dressing the part when I am singing a song in public so she says, "I want you to go and change into a long  black evening gown. Put on your make up and fix your hair".

So, knowing she is usually right, I go into my room, pull out my long black gown, looked around for some evening gloves and couldn't find anything but some long winter gloves that went up to my elbows.  Quite a picture , I know!

Well, guess what!  She was right.  As Gary and I began again, it took one take to record the song and now when I begin to sing it at a concert as some church I just grin a little bit and remember   how I looked that day!

You can find the song, "God did a real good job" at www.indiegospel.net/bettyoverstreet  or any of your favorite sites, ie, Spotify, Amazon, etc.  https://indiegospel.net/betty-overstreet/uploaded_audio/5725/god-did-a-real-good-job

<script src='https://embed.songtradr.com/v1/es' data-key='KAmRPtYLAidSJEGiYdJuxKMAMyYhHcBr' data-size='md'></script>