Tuesday, June 30, 2015

What would you do if you had the choice-

I am so happy to see you back, visiting again!  Writing songs is a really interesting hobby, art,--experience!  I never know where a song will come from , what will just click in my brain and start repeating until I have to stop, sit down at my computer and bring it into focus.  

One of my first songs came to me as Gary and I were out for our morning walk.  We were living in Yountville, Ca at the time and just across the highway from us was a park like setting where we often wondered along the pathways in the early (or late) mornings .  As we walked along a trail that morning, the words began appearing in my mind,

What would you do it you had the choice 
What would you do if you heard your Saviors voice

Would you listen to each word

Would you open up your heart

Would you follow your Savior today?

I said, "Gary, you will just have to listen to me sing these words until we get home so I can write them down.  If I stop singing  , I will forget the words and melody!  So he listened, I sang and.... perhaps he walked a little bit ahead of me if he saw someone coming toward us, so they wouldn't know I belonged to him!!  

As I arrived home I headed straight to the office and began pecking out the words, then as I pecked, the rest of the words to the song just kept coming into my fingers on the keyboard.....And the song was born!   God works in mysterious ways!  


http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/bettyoverstreet  for newer songs 

Please leave a   comment letting me know where you are from and if you wish to continue reading my Musical Notes!  If noone is reading I need to use my time differently!  Have a great day, Betty

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