Friday, October 12, 2018

Dreams don't always happen (when you're dreaming)

We all have dreams running through our heads at various times in our lives of how we want our life to be.  My dream was to be a Country Western singer, my name in lights, my voice reaching out to lovers in a huge arena. 

Time passed, I went to Nashville for a recording session and after the song, "Let the sandman wait" reached the Cashbox charts I was asked to sign with a record company.  A

t that time in my life I was married to a man I felt I couldn't leave at home to go on the road so I gave up my dream to be famous and was satisfied to just sing around in our area and life went on. Divorce followed a few years later.

Then I met Jesus, in a more personal relationship than I had ever had with Him before, and began writing Christian books, having book signings and meeting wonderful people. My music preference began to turn to Christian music as I was asked to sing in our local church.

Then one Sunday morning, Gary came searching for a church family and he found ME!  
Following our marriage, Gary began coming with me when I had a gig, handling the heavy equipment, and singing along with me on lots of the songs.  

Now we have toured from California to Tennessee, Oklahoma, Missouri and Colorado singing the songs God has guided me to write for Him.  

So I finally decided I needed to write a song about Gary and me to share our story with you!   

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